Born and raised in London, England of Greek Cypriot parents, Professor Veniamin is the editor and translator of Saint Gregory Palamas: The Homilies (2009 and 2014), and the author of The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: Theosis in Scripture and Tradition (2013, 2014).
He is a spiritual child of Elder Sophrony of Essex, Professor of Patristics at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, and President of Mount Thabor Publishing (est. 2005). Dr. Veniamin holds his first degree in Theology from the University of Thessalonica (Greece) and his doctorate from Oxford University (England), where he studied under Metropolitan Kallistos Ware. The subject of his doctoral thesis is The Transfiguration of Christ in Greek Patristic Literature: From Irenaeus of Lyons to Gregory Palamas (1991), which he is reworking in preparation for publication in 2015. The lecture is titled "On becoming Theologians."
The lecture will be held on Thursday, May 1 at 5 p.m. in the Holy Trinity Seminary Hall.