Why should you support the seminary? And in particular, why should you make it a priority today on November 29 (Giving Tuesday) 2022, since there are likely many other charities and not-for-profit organizations asking for your help today?
The teachers and students in this video answer those questions very clearly.
All benefactors who sign up to make monthly donations of $50 or more, or those of you who make a one-time donation of $500 or more will receive a coupon to take the first course - at no charge - from Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary's new Online Education Program for Laity! The initial offering is an in-depth course on the Psalms and includes five themed lectures by the seminary’s professor of Holy Scriptures, Fr. John Boddecker.
Today on Tuesday, November 29, please consider giving generously to the Jordanville Seminary Annual Fund 2022 Year-End Appeal. Your help will go a long way in helping us reach our goal of raising $500,000 to complete this 2022-23 academic year!