Dear friends and supporters of Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary,
We have recently been made aware of yet another attempt to build a windmill project in our backyard. While the previous plans were dismissed a few years back, now the companies involved are taking advantage of the New York State Energy Plan and its incentives to build renewables that will by-pass the environmental review and local input that put a halt to the previous windmill projects.
There is a legal case currently before the Court of Appeals about this type of surreptitious effort, however, we call upon all who read this to pray for an end to these threats to our environment and we ask that you contact local legislators to ask for their intervention. The email/website addresses are below.
With your prayers and through the intercession of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, we pray this newest assault on the life of our Monastery does not succeed.
In Christ
+Bishop Luke of Syracuse,
Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery,
Rector of Holy Trinity Seminary
smullenr@nyassembly.gov - District 118 assembly member Robert Smullen
walczyk@nysenate.gov - 49th Senate district Mark Walczyk
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