On June 9, 2024, the 6th Sunday of Pascha - the Sunday of The Blind Man, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary held commencement exercises at the conclusion of its 76th academic year. The day began with a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy concelebrated by His Eminence, Archbishop GABRIEL of Montreal and Canada and His Grace Bishop LUKE of Syracuse, rector of the seminary.
A Moleben of Thanksgiving was served at 2pm following an academic procession to the monastery cathedral led by Dean Nicolas Schidlovsky and Dr. Alexander Pavuk (commencement speaker), members of the administration, the board of trustees, faculty in residence, and the entire student body. Archbishop GABRIEL, Bishop LUKE and participating clergy offered a Moleben of Thanksgiving for the Seminary's successes and in supplication for Divine blessings on all those who help to perpetuate the institution. The responses during the Molebien were sung by the Holy Trinity Seminary choir, concluding with We Praise Thee, O Lord, composed by D. Bortniansky.
Following a group photo in front of the iconostas, a second procession from the Cathedral to the Seminary, including Archbishop GABRIEL and Bishop LUKE began the commencement ceremony. Seminary Dean, Nicolas G. Schidlovsky, Ph.D., led the eleven graduates (from our on-campus degree programs) into the Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov (main) Hall located in the Dean Nicolas Alexandrov Seminary Building.
The ceremony began with the singing of the Troparion of Pascha - Christ is Risen, followed by the National Anthem of the United States, and God Save the Tsar.
His Grace, Bishop Luke (B.Th. class ‘78), seminary rector, gave Welcome Remarks.
Next, Protodeacon Andrei Psarev, Ph.D., Professor of Canon Law and Russian Church History and Director of Undergraduate Studies, introduced this year’s undergraduate valedictorian, Reader Yevgraf Jakimowicz who delivered his collegial address on behalf of the undergraduate class of 2024.
Rev. Fr. John Boddecker, Senior Lecturer of Sacred Scripture, Department of Scriptural Studies and Exegesis, and Director of Graduate Studies, then introduced this year’s graduate valedictorian, Reader Timothy Zelinski, who delivered his collegial address on behalf of the graduate class of 2024.
Alexander Pavuk, Ph.D, Associate Professor of History at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD then gave the Commencement Address titled: “Facing the Spirits of Our Age with both Reason and Heart.” You can listen to an audio recording of Dr. Pavuk’s remarks by clicking here and/or read the text by clicking here
Dean Nicolas then thanked Dr. Pavuk for his address. The program moved on to the main event; the conferral of degrees. Dean Nicolas read the following text:
“By the recommendation of Holy Trinity Seminary’s Faculty Council and the resolution of the Seminary Board of Trustees, I hereby bestow the degree of Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) upon the following six students of the Class of 2024”: Each graduate was handed his degree by Dean Nicolas Schidlovsky, received a blessing from Archbishop GABRIEL and Bishop LUKE, and was presented with his alumni medallion by Rev. Fr. Ephraim Willmarth, Director of Admissions, Assistant Dean, and Registrar.
The following were the undergraduate degree recipients: Valedictorian Yevgraf Jakimowicz, summa cum laude; William Paul Morin, cum laude; Elijah Naasko; Alexei Orloff, cum laude; Nicholas Michael Pavuk, and Andrey Slivin, cum laude.
This text form was repeated for the following four graduate students who received the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree: Leif Olof Borg, cum laude, Rev. Fr. Theodore Foley, cum laude, John Keller, and graduate valedictorian, Reader Timothy Daniel Zelinski, cum laude.
The Dean then conferred the Certificate in Pastoral Studies (CPS - two year on-campus program) on Nikolai DuPre.
The final conferral was the Certificate Theological Studies (CTS – independent study) on Rev. Hieromonk Macarius (Ruegemer).
Following the conferral of degrees, nagradi (awards) for excellence and for diligence which Dean Nicolas presented to the following students:
B.Th. Freshman year:
Excellence: Thomas Lyall
Diligence: Morgan Maudiere and Roman Wlodkowski
B.Th. Sophomore Year:
Excellence: John Kurr
Diligence: Dario Rancic
These awards included a copy of Beginning to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom). This gift was given to the recipients from Dean Nicolas Schidlovsky.
Archpriest Serge Lukianov (B.Th. class of ’81), Rector of St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Howell (Lakewood), NJ delivered remarks inspiring all in attendance, as well as charging all alumni of the seminary and all rectors of ROCOR parishes to inspire their faithful to generously support the seminary. Fr. Serge then gave each of the graduates of the class of 2024 gifts from the St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral’s Benevolent Fund.
At the conclusion of these presentations, Reader Yevgraf Jakimowicz and Reader Timothy Zelinski were each presented the 3rd Annual ‘Holy Seminary Achievement Award’. This award was instituted in 2022, and sponsored for the second year in a row by Stefan, Christian, and Ivan Andreev of the Jordanville Monument Company in memory of their father, Michael Stefanov Andreev. A check for $800 was presented to Reader Yevgraf by Christian and Ivan Andreev, and a check for $1,050 was presented to Reader Timothy, also by Christian and Ivan.
His Eminence, Archbishop GABRIEL (B.Th. class of ’84) then gave remarks inspiring the graduates in their service to the Church and referencing his experiences in Jordanville during his own seminary years in the 1980’s.
Finally, Dean Nicolas gave his Charge to Graduates.
Photos, refreshments, and fellowship followed in the newly-renovated Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov hall.
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