As students of Orthodox theology, seminarians are under a special discipline, which is not only academic, but in many ways monastic as well. Students participate in daily church services together with the monastic brotherhood and the local Orthodox community. Singing in the choir and serving in the altar are considered to be important aspects of the students' preparation for the priesthood.
The seminarians' day normally begins with morning prayers and Divine Liturgy at 6:00 a.m. Following breakfast, classes meet from 8:00 a.m. until noon. After the noon meal students take part in various aspects of the Monastery's work or complete their homework. In the evening, after supper, students and monks assemble for Compline. Evenings are devoted to study. Silence is observed after 10:00 p.m.
Students take their meals in the Monastery refectory together with the monastic brotherhood. Meat and poultry are never served and all fasting rules of the Orthodox Church are strictly observed.
Seminary students are required to attend a schedule of church services, to attend all classes for which they are registered, to fulfill all duties prescribed by the Seminary's administration, and to observe the "Rules for Seminary Life." Seminarians are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner keeping with their position both inside and outside the Monastery.
The Seminary requires strict adherence to its rules and regulations. It is presumed that the students have come to Seminary for the purpose of preparing for active service in the Orthodox Church; frivolity and unbecoming conduct are inconsistent with that aim. The Seminary reserves the right to suspend, expel, or refuse to register any student whose academic status, conduct, or attendance are unsatisfactory.