On December 6/19, 2024, the feast of St Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra and Lycia, the Wonderworker, the entire seminary and monastery community in Jordanville congratulated Protodeacon Victor Lochmatow (HTOS ’67) on the milestone of the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Diaconate.
On the weekend of December 7-8, at the invitation of cathedral rector, Archpriest Serge Lukianov, His Grace Bishop Luke, bringing the Jordanville Pochaev Mother of God, led the seminary choir delegation to St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell (Lakewood), NJ. The seminary choir, under the direction of Deacon Nicholas Kotar, has made visits to the parish annually in December for 8 years in a row, beginning in 2017.
On Saturday, November 2, 2024, during the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Church in Utica, NY, and the 7-0th anniversary of the Memorial Fund, Fr. Ephraim WIllmarth, Director of Admissions, Asst. Dean, and Registrar at Holy Trinity Seminary was awarded the right to wear the Gold Cross by His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad.
Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid America reposed in the Lord unexpectedly on Friday, November 8, 2024. His Eminence was an alumnus of Holy Trinity Seminary, class of 1971, and a member of the monastic brotherhood of Holy Trinity Monastery. You can visit the ROCOR website to view Archbishop Peter's biography:
The Rev. Protodeacon Nicholas V. Lukianov Memorial CTS Scholarship has been established and funded beginning for the current 2024-25 academic year by Fr. Nicholas’ wife, Matushka Anna Lukianov, his daughters, Marina, Sophia, and Tatiana, and members of the Lukianov family. This scholarship is being made available exclusively to clerics of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Church who do not have a formal seminary education and are interested in enrolling in the Certificate in Theological Studies (independent study - distance learning) program at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, the program which Fr. Nicholas himself graduated from.
October, 2024
Your generous support of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is making a difference. Whenever we think of you and your fellow seminary supporters, our hearts are full of gratitude. Thank you for your continued partnership in the sacred task of forming those whom the Lord has called to serve His Holy Church.
The new academic year has begun at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary. After a few days of orientation for new students and the traditional Labor Day pilgrimage to the monastery, the annual convocation was held on Tuesday, September 3 at 2:00pm in the PVL hall. The faculty members introduced themselves to the new students, explaining which classes they taught and recounting their backgrounds and current academic work. Then it was the new students’ turn to introduce themselves. One by one they briefly explained where they were from and what had motivated them to come to seminary.
Our Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia is multifaceted. Here one can see parishes consisting of the descendants of those who founded the ROCOR, parishes founded after the collapse of the USSR, and parishes consisting of those who, while living in their own native countries, have been converted to the Orthodox Faith. The vast majority of parishes of the Southern Deanery of the Eastern American Diocese fall into the latter category.
The Summer Youth Program at Holy Trinity Monastery was created to introduce young men to the deep spiritual traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.
On Monday, July 8, His Grace, Bishop Jerome (Shaw), arrived at Holy Virgin Protection Church in Nyack, NY, to celebrate Divine Liturgy and officiate the funeral of Archpriest George Larin, pastor emeritus of that parish and one-time diocesan secretary, who reposed in the Lord on July 5.
On Monday afternoon, April 15, Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America & New York arrived in Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY to officiate the funeral of newly departed Protodeacon Joseph Jarostchuk, who reposed in the Lord the Thursday prior.
On the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, His Grace, Bishop LUKE of Syracuse, ordained Hierodeacon Ignacio (Matzschke-Brull) to the Holy Priesthood.
At the invitation of His Eminence, Archbishop KYRILL of San Francisco and Western America, a delegation from Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY, headed by His Grace Bishop LUKE of Syracuse, Rector of the seminary, and Dr. Nicolas Schidlovsky, seminary dean, together with the seminary choir, under the direction of Deacon Nicholas Kotar, traveled to Holy Virgin Cathedral Joy of All Who Sorrow in San Francisco, CA to participate in the 30th anniversary celebration of the Glorification of St John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker on June 28-29, 2024.
Rev. Hierodeacon Methodios (Pranić), Senior Lecturer in the Department of Liturgics, Sacred Arts, and Music at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville (NY), and a clergyman of the Diocese of Novi Sad-Bačka in Serbia, participated in the Ninth International Conference of the Society for Oriental Liturgy, held in Washington, DC from May 26-30, 2024. Father Methodios presented his insightful paper, “Temporal Harmony: Integrating Circadian Rhythm, Byzantine Timekeeping, and Eastern Orthodox Monastic Practices.”
On June 9, 2024, the 6th Sunday of Pascha - the Sunday of The Blind Man, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary held commencement exercises at the conclusion of its 76th academic year. The day began with a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy concelebrated by His Eminence, Archbishop GABRIEL of Montreal and Canada and His Grace Bishop LUKE of Syracuse, rector of the seminary.
At the invitation of His Eminence, Archbishop KYRILL of San Francisco and Western America, a delegation from Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY will travel to Holy Virgin Cathedral – Joy of All Who Sorrow in San Francisco, CA to participate in the 30th anniversary celebration of the Glorification of St John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker on June 28-29, 2024.
Fr. Seraphim Baltic, HTOS Alumnus, class of 2008, was elected as an Episcopal candidate in the Serbian Orthodox Church in America. AXIOS!
At the invitation of the Archpriest Victor Potapov, Cathedral Rector, on the 5th weekend of Great Lent, April 20-21, 2024, the seminary choir, under the direction of Deacon Nicholas Kotar, traveled to The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Washington D.C.
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The Russian Orthodox Diocese of Sitka and Alaska held its annual clergy retreat in Anchorage from Friday March 8th through Sunday, March 10th hosted by His Grace ALEXEI, Bishop of Sitka and Alaska. As a special guest, His Grace LUKE, Bishop of Syracuse and Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, led our retreat meditations, speaking on the theme “Confessing Holy Orthodoxy.”
Holy Trinity Seminary Dean, Nicholas Schidlovsky, M.F.A, Ph.D presented a scholarly talk at the 2024 COLLOQUIUM ON LITURGICAL MUSIC IN EASTERN ORTHODOX EDUCATION. This conference was held at Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, NY on March 13 - 14, 2024.
Beloved fathers and brothers in the Lord!
Great Lent is approaching – a time set aside for delving into ourselves, for examining our lives, for repentance and correction. Great Lent is not only a time to refrain from certain types of food; it is a time for asceticism of the mind and senses, when we abstain from impure thoughts, separate ourselves from our habitual sins, entertainments, and harmful routines, when we fast, as St. John Chrysostom says, "with the mouth, the eye, and the ear, and the feet, and the hands, and all the members of our bodies."
On Monday, February 12, the Orthodox Church celebrated the feast of the Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. These three great hierarchs and luminaries of the Church are considered patrons of every Orthodox seminary, and therefore this feast is recognized as the patronal feast of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary.
On Zaccheus Sunday (5/18 February), Deacon Alban Illingworth, a distance learning student at HTOS, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
A Message from Dean Nicolas Schidlovsky, PhD.
In that 2023 was the 75 th anniversary year of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY, the Synod of Bishops of ROCOR, in a meeting of the Synod during September, 2023, discussed encouraging ROCOR clergy who do not have and formal theological formation/training to look to pursue this.