HTOS Deputy Dean of Students to deliver lectures in Tennessee - 06/02/2023
On Friday, June 16, Hieromonk Theodore (Stanway), Deputy Dean of Students and lecturer at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY, will deliver a lecture entitled "Living a Christ-Centered Life in a Secular World" at St. Tikhon Church in Blountville, TN. |
Announcement: Professor Joachim Pissaro returns to campus to speak on Thursday, May 4 at 4:00pm - 05/02/2023
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is excited to host the second of two lectures by noted art historian Joachim Pissaro, Ph.D., the Bershad Professor of Art History and Director of the Hunter College Galleries, Hunter College, New York. |
Joachim Pissaro, Ph.D. to Speak at Holy Trinity Seminary - 12/21/2022
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is excited to host a lecture by noted art historian Joachim Pissaro, Ph.D., who is the Bershad Professor of Art History and Director of the Hunter College Galleries, Hunter College, New York. |
HTOS Senior Faculty Member Organizes Conference on ROCOR History in Belgrade, Serbia, November 22–25, 2021 - 10/09/2021
With the blessing of the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church and His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, Deacon Andrei Psarev, Professor of Russian Church History and Canon Law at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, is organizing a conference “Links between Times: Conclusions and Perspectives. On the Centennial of the Russian Church Abroad” in Belgrade, Serbia, this November. Fr. Andrei is collaborating with Dr. Radovan Pilipović, Director of the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church. |
HTOS Commencement 2021 - 06/04/2021
Holy Trinity Seminary announces that commencement exercises for the class of 2021 will take place this Sunday, June 6. A Molieben of Thanksgiving will be served in the monastery cathedral beginning at 2:00pm EST, followed by the academic procession and commencement exercises for the conclusion of the seminary’s 73rd academic year. The ceremony will be held outdoors under a large tent this year, and is open to the public. |
December 5-6: Bishop Luke, Pochaev Icon and seminary choir to visit St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell (Lakewood), NJ. - 12/04/2020
At the invitation of Archpriest Serge Lukianov, Rector of St Alexander Nevsky Diocesan Cathedral, His Grace, Bishop Luke of Syracuse, Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery and Rector of Holy Trinity Seminary, will lead the Divine Services this coming weekend in the presence of the Jordanville Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. Jordanville’s Holy Trinity Seminary Choir, under the direction of Deacon Nicholas Kotar, will sing the responses. The schedule of services is as follows: 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil and Sunday 9:00 entrance of His Grace, Bishop Luke. We hope to see you there! |
Important pastoral message from Bishop Luke relative to public attendance at the Divine Services at Holy Trinity Monastery - 04/12/2020
Important pastoral message from Bishop Luke relative to public attendance at the Divine Services at Holy Trinity Monastery |
List of the Live-Stream Links for Parishes in the Eastern American Diocese of ROCOR - 04/10/2020
In light of the Coronavirus outbreak, His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, has strongly encouraged all of the faithful to adhere to health and safety restrictions currently being put in place by local authorities. Unfortunately, this means that some parishes are closed to the public, with services being performed by the clergy and choir alone.
For those who wish to observe the divine services and pray, several parishes are offering Internet live-streaming. Some parishes are permitted by their state governments to remain open, but – either to maintain attendance within the current allowable maximum or for the benefit of those who cannot attend for their own health reasons – are also streaming their services online. |
Appeal of the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia to the God-Loving Flock, in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic - 04/03/2020
Dear in the Lord fathers, brothers, and sisters!
I sincerely greet you with the very warmest well-wishes for the blessings of God, good health, spiritual calm, and the patience so needed in this trying time! I especially greet the doctors, nurses, and all who work in the hospitals, sincerely wishing them increased strength and Heavenly aid! I wish for those who are sick - and for their friends and relatives - comfort in the hope of God’s will, which always directs man toward the good. Our prayers are with all of you. |
Message from His Grace, Bishop Luke relative to the Coronavirus pandemic - 03/30/2020
Message from His Grace, Bishop Luke relative to the Coronavirus pandemic |
To the Clergy and Faithful of the Eastern America Diocese - 03/29/2020
As we enter the fourth week of Great Lent, may the "invincible and incomprehensible and divine power of the precious and life-giving Cross" bless and protect you! |
FINAL UPDATE: Jordanville Annual Fund 2019 Year End Appeal - 02/17/2020
Thank you to our dear friends and benefactors for donating to the Jordanville Annual Fund and supporting our seminary in 2019. Our Year-End appeal was launched on November 1, and continued until January 14, 2020 (December 31, 2019 O.S.). |
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary’s upcoming Patronal Feast and Alumni meeting. - 02/10/2020
This Wednesday, Jan 30/Feb 12, The Holy Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Synaxis of the 3 Hierarchs; Sts. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. |
Conference Announced: Russian Ecclesial Identity in a Changing World - 01/24/2020
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY, is pleased to announce a landmark conference in recognition of 100 Years of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and 90 Years of Holy Trinity Monastery.
UPDATE: Jordanville Annual Fund Year-End 2019 extended to January 13 - Dec 31 O.S. - 01/02/2020
Due to the relatively recent launch of our final appeal for Jordanville’s Annual Fund 2019 on Nov. 1, we are extending our year-end deadline by a few days until midnight Monday, Jan. 13th (O.S. Dec 31!) |
HTOS Commencement 2019 scheduled for Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 06/02/2019 - 05/29/2019
The 2019 commencement at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary will take place this Sunday, June 2, 2019 |
Seminary’s Main Hall to be named “Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Hall” on Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 05/18/2019 - 04/19/2019
Grateful for the profound, consistent, ongoing financial support of the Seminary by the Lukianov Family Foundation, including full funding of Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Scholarships and providing additional financial support as needed, the Rector and Dean of the Seminary are pleased to announce that, on Saturday, May 18, 2019, the main hall in the Dean Nicholas N. Alexandrov Seminary Building will be named the “Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Hall” in perpetuity. |
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology - 2/22/2019 - 02/21/2019
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary invites applications for the position of an Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology for a two-year appointment, beginning September 1, 2019, with a possibility of renewal, depending on the results of an annual review. ...The review of applications will proceed as the applications are received. Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is accredited by the Commissioner of Education and the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York with the Absolute Charter granted in 1962. |
Fr. Luke elected Bishop of Syracuse by Synod - 2/12/2019 - 01/01/2019
On December 28, 2018, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church made the following decision regarding the election of Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) as Bishop of Syracuse of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia: |
HTOS Official Announcement: Dean of the Seminary - 11/29/2018 - 11/29/2018
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary invites applications for the position of the Dean of the Seminary, for a three-year term to begin on August 15, 2019, following the retirement of the current Dean, Archpriest Alexander F. C. Webster, Ph.D. |
Public Lecture: Chasing Canon 15 of the First and Second Council in Constantinople - 11/09/2018 - 11/05/2018
The Lintern Archive: Photographs from the Last Days of the Tsar - 11/1/2018 - 10/25/2018
This lecture is presented in conjunction with the Russian History Museum’s current exhibition, Last Days of the Last Tsar.
Discover the fascinating story of a long-lost album containing remarkable photographs of Russia’s last imperial family. Coming to light during the filming of “Antiques Roadshow” in Wales, the 66 photographs in the Lintern Archive show Tsar Nicholas II and his family before the revolution and their life in exile in the Siberian city of Tobolsk. Many of the images have never been published and are new to scholars. |
Conference on "Chastity, Purity, Integrity: Orthodox Anthropology and Secular Culture in the 21st Century" - 3/7-9/2019 - 10/17/2018
Naming Rights Offered at HTOS - 09/19/2018 - 09/19/2018
The Seminary building has, for many years, been named in honor of the first dean, Nicholas N. Alexandrov. In the coming months, a ceremony will be scheduled to name the main hall as ‘The Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Hall’. |
HTOS 2018 Commencement will host Fr Patrick Viscuso as keynote speaker - June 3, 2018 - 05/22/2018
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary's 2018 commencement will take place on the Sunday of All Saints, June 3. The day will begin at 9am with the entrance of his Grace, Bishop Jerome followed by Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. After lunch, commencement will begin at 2pm with a procession to the monastery cathedral for a molebien of Thanksgiving, followed by the academic procession to the main hall in the Dean Nicholas N Alexandrov Seminary Building for the commencement exercises themselves, which will be followed by a reception for those in attendance. This year's commencement speaker will be Reverend Fr Patrick Viscuso. |
HTOS Choir to travel to Holy Trinity Cathedral in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) - April 21-22, 2018 - 04/17/2018
The HTOS choir, with the blessing of Archimandrite Luke, Rector, will travel to Holy Trinity Cathedral, Toronto, on the weekend of April 21-22, 2018. Mitred Archpriest Vladimir Malchenko, cathedral rector, has invited our choir to sing the responses for the All Night Vigil on Saturday evening and at the Divine Liturgy on the 3rd Sunday of Pascha commemorating the Myrrh-bearing Women. Deacon Nicholas Kotar, Seminary lecturer in church music and director of the Monastery / Seminary Choir, will lead the musical responses. Accompanying the choir will be Priest Ephraim Willmarth, Assistant Dean and Director of Admissions, and Deacon Michael Pavuk, Director of Development, both of whom will sing with the choir. |
Master of Divinity Program to Begin in Fall of 2018! - April 16, 2018 - 04/16/2018
... Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, will, by the grace of God the Holy Trinity and the approval of the New York State Board of Regents, begin a new Master of Divinity degree in Fall 2018...
The Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.) is the standard graduate professional degree for clergy in North America. It entails a rigorous, advanced, comprehensive, full-time three-year course of study in the various theological and pastoral fields for students who already hold a bachelor’s degree. Our M.Div. degree curriculum will also include four 1-credit “field education” practica where seminarians can learn how to apply their theological knowledge and newly acquired pastoral skills in practical ministry settings including parishes, college campus ministry, prison ministry, humanitarian service, evangelism, and public moral witness... |
Hiring Assistant Professor of Church History - 4/16/2018 - 04/16/2018
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary invites applications for the position of an Assistant Professor of Church History for a two-year appointment, beginning January 1, 2019, with a possibility of renewal, depending on the results of an annual review. ...The successful candidate will be expected to teach to teach both the survey and elective courses in the history of the Orthodox Church in the new HTOS Master of Divinity program. The expected teaching load will be 2-3 courses per semester. The appointed professor is expected to possess broad knowledge of early, Byzantine, and Orthodox Church history in the modern era, as well as the history of Orthodoxy in North America and the history of the Western Church before the Schism of 1054 AD, and of the Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations. A completed Ph.D. in the field of his or her teaching is required for consideration. |
March 3-4, 2018: HTOS Choir to travel to St John the Baptist Cathedral, Washington DC - 02/14/2018
The HTOS choir, with the blessing of Archmandrite Luke, Rector, will travel to St John the Baptist Cathedral, Washington, DC, on the weekend of March 3-4, 2018. Mitred Archpriest Victor Patapov, cathedral rector, has invited our choir to join the cathedral’s choir at the bi-lingual All Night Vigil on Saturday evening and invited our seminary choir to sing the responses at the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil on the second Sunday of the Great Fast commemorating our Father among the Saints, Gregory of Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica. Deacon Nicholas Kotar, seminary choir director and lecturer in Church Music, will lead the Seminary Choir at both the English and Church Slavonic Divine Liturgies. Accompanying the choir will be Deacon Michael Pavuk, Director of Development, who will assist the cathedral clergy at the services and speak to the faithful on behalf of the Seminary. |
February 26, 2018: Presentation at HTOS entitled "The Many Hats of Alyona Kojevnikova" - 02/09/2018
On February 26, 2018, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary will host a presentation titled, “The Many Hats of Alyona Kojevnikova: Reflections on Russian Orthodox Life Around the World”. The presentation was arranged and will be moderated by Rev Deacon Andrei Psarev, Assistant Professor of Canon Law and Russian Church History at HTOS and editor of the ROCOR Studies website. Ms Kojevnikova’s biography may be found at
http://www.rocorstudies.org/ 2014/08/17/invariably-the- russianness-is-going-to- dissipate-with-every- congregation/
This event will be live-streamed on both the HTOS and ROCOR Studies Facebook pages, and a Q & A will follow. Please join us for this unusual presentation. |
February 25, 2018: Seminary Dean and Choir to participate in Pan-Orthodox Vespers at St Basil's OCA Parish in Watervliet, NY - 02/08/2018
At 5:00 pm on Sunday, February 25, 2018, the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Choir, directed by Deacon Nicholas Kotar, will sing the responses at the Pan-Orthodox "Lenten Mission" Vespers for the Albany, NY, area hosted by St Basil’s Russian Orthodox Church (OCA) in Watervliet, NY. Archpriest Alexander F.C. Webster, Ph.D., Seminary Dean and Professor of Moral Theology, will lead the HTOS delegation and preach the homily. Deacon Michael Pavuk, Director of Development, will accompany the delegation. The entire free-will offering will be donated to the Seminary fund. We thank the host rector, Archpriest Peter Olsen, and Priest Matthew Markewich, Rector of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church (OCA), Ballston Lake, NY, for coordinating the even and extending the invitations. |
Memory Eternal! - December 10th, 2017 - 12/12/2017
Born in 1929 in Hilar (Manchuria), Archpriest Alvian Smirensky reposed in the Lord last Sunday, December 10, 2017. Amazingly, Fr. Alvian was joined in his departure by his Matushka Helen. |
Giving Tuesday - November 2017 - 11/27/2017
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary has not only preserved the spirit of Russian Orthodoxy but has been optimizing its ability to offer "Traditional Orthodoxy for the 21st Century" unapologetically and effectively to a world that so desperately needs it. Therefore, on this Giving Tuesday (11/28/ 2017), we ask for your generous assistance as we continue to provide rigorous training for the future leaders of the Church and to improve the quality of that education. |
Schema-Archdeacon Ambrose (Taratuchin) Reposes in the Lord - 11/26/2017
In the early hours of the morning of Sunday November 13/26, on the day of commemoration of our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople, after an enduring and trying illness the long-standing cleric of the Diocesan Cathedral in honor of Her Icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” Schema-Archdeacon Ambrose (Taratuchin) reposed in the Lord. |
Hawaiian Iveron Icon Visiting Jordanville - October 25th-30th - 10/16/2017
The Myrrh-Streaming Hawaiian Iveron Icon will be visiting Holy Trinity Monastery from the night of October 25th until October 30th, 2017. The icon's arrival accompanies the clergy conference of the Eastern-American diocese. The greeting of the icon will take place at 5:00pm on the Wednesday night of the 25th, just prior to the hierarchical All-Night Vigil at 7:00pm. The icon will also be in the main chapel for Thursday morning's hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 9:00am as well as Friday morning's 6:00am Divine Liturgy. At 9:00am that morning, the icon will be brought to St. Elizabeth Skete down the road from the monastery for a moleben with akathist service. On Saturday the 28th, there will be a pannikhida for Br. Jose at the cemetery at 3:30pm, and then a hierarchical All-Night Vigil in the main chapel at 7:00pm. The next morning, the hierarchical Liturgy will begin at 9:00am. A final pannikhida will be held for Br. Jose that afternoon at 3:00pm, and the icon will stay at the monastery for one last liturgy the next morning at 6:00am before its scheduled departure at 11:00am of the 30th of October, 2017. |
Deaconesses Past, Present, and Future - A Public Lecture by Pdn. Patrick Mitchell - October 23, 2017 - 10/04/2017
Some Orthodox Christians today are trying to re-institute the ancient Church order of “deaconesses,” despite the uneven history of that female office in the Church, as well as that of the male diaconate. Protodeacon Patrick Mitchell surveys the Church’s early experience of both male and female “deacons” and concludes that they were never the same order, that the female order was inherently problematic for the Church because it appeared to elevate women over men, and that the “ordination” of women as deaconesses made less and less sense as the Church’s understanding of holy orders evolved. That explains why much of the Orthodox Church never had deaconesses, and why even those segments of the Church in antiquity and in the Byzantine era where they did serve eventually abandoned the order. |
A Film on the Life and Struggles of Archim. Antonine Kapustin - October 9, 2017 - 10/03/2017
On Monday, October 9, at 5pm in the Seminary Hall, a film on the life and struggles of Archimandrite Antonine Kapustin will be shown. Archimandrite Antonine is largely responsible for acquiring the properties held now by the Russian Mission in the Holy Land. The film is in Russian. |
Sunday, May 28 – 69th Commencement at HTOS - 05/24/2017
The Rector, the Board of Trustees, and the Faculty of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary are glad to announce that the Commencement Exercises for the HTOS Class of 2017 will take place on Sunday, May 28, 2017. The celebrations will begin with the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 9 a.m., presided by His Grace, Bishop Irenei. |
Fr. Alexander Webster Confirmed as Dean of HTOS - 05/04/2017
On May 3, 2017, at a regular session of the Synod of Bishops, V. Rev. Archpriest Alexander Webster was confirmed by the Synod as dean of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, having been nominated by the Board of Trustees of HTOS. |
CONFIRMED POSTPONED Alumni Reunion May 2-4 - 04/27/2017
The planned alumni reunion from May 2-4 will l be postponed on account of the time and resources applied to the accreditation effort. HTOS, in conjuction with Alumni President Mitered Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko, is considering dates in early October. This would allow alumni to become acquainted with HTOS' newly-appointed dean of the Seminary.
Details are forthcoming. |
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Opens the Search for the Dean of the Seminary - 12/26/2016
At its Fall meeting of 2016, the Board of Trustees of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary has resolved to open the search for the vacant position of the Dean of the Seminary, and formed a Search Committee for this purpose, under the chairmanship of the Very Rev. Archimandrite Luke (Murianka), Rector of the Seminary. Please read the announcement below. |
HTOS Welcomes New Scriptures Professor - 12/23/2016
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary welcomes the V. Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Alban Heers as the Assistant Professor of Old and New Testament for the Bachelor of Theology and Certificate in Pastoral Studies programs.
A native of Texas, Fr. Peter studied theology in Greece, receiving his Doctor of Theology degree from Aristotle University in Thessalonica in 2013. Fr. Peter has contributed to Orthodox theological and spiritual works through his translations of the writings of Elder (St.) Paisios the Athonite and a monograph, "The Ecclesiological Renovation of Vatican II: An Orthodox Examination of Romes Ecumenical Theology Regarding Baptism and the Church."
Fr. Peter will begin with the spring 2017 semester at HTOS.
Thank You from the HTS Alumni President - 12/01/2016
A message from our Alumni President: Mitered Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko:
Dear HTS Alumni and Friends,
The call for donations was very successful! It is with great joy and gratitude that I greet all who responded to the call to support our beloved Holy Trinity Seminary. I also humbly remind everyone to make support for your Alma Mater a part of your regular donation budget as often as you can.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Stefan |
From our Alumni President on Giving Tuesday - 11/29/2016
From our Alumni President, Mitered Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko:
It is not too late for all Alumni and those who realize the importance of Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, for the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and for Orthodox everywhere, to make a fair share donation on this Giving Tuesday, to ensure that the ideals and traditional manner treasured by our Church is preserved for generations to come! We the Graduates should feel that it is our show of gratitude to this hallowed institution that has given us the Rock of Faith and guides us and our spiritual family to Salvation. |
Enroll in the Summer School of Liturgical Music at HTOS! - 06/06/2016
The 2016 session of the Summer School of Liturgical Music (SSLM) at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary will take place from July 10-23. Sign up now at sslm.hts.edu!
HTOS seeks Assistant Professor/Instructor in Holy Scripture - 04/22/2016
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary invites applications for the position of an Assistant Professor/Instructor in Holy Scripture for a one-year appointment, beginning September 1, 2016, with a possibility of renewal, depending on the results of annual review.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach introductory courses to Old and New Testament in the undergraduate program, with the teaching load of four (4) courses a year. Successful candidates should be able to teach Holy Scriptures from the perspective of the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church and therefore, are expected to have a strong background in Biblical and patristic studies. A completed Ph.D. or ABD in the field of his or her teaching is a preferred qualification. If the candidate has not yet completed his or her doctorate, he or she will be appointed as Instructor and promoted to the Assistant Professorship upon completion of the terminal degree. The unique character of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary as a pastoral academic institution requires deep familiarity with the Orthodox Christian tradition, and for this reason the candidates with the background in the Orthodox tradition will be given preference... |
3/7: Lecture on upcoming Pan-Orthodox Council - 02/26/2016
On Monday, March 7 at 5:00pm Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary will present a lecture by the Very Reverend Protopresbyter George Dragas on the upcoming Great and Holy Council of representatives from the Orthodox Christian Autocephalos churches. The purpose of this lecture is to explore the history of how this council was planned, what issues are being considered for a decision, and much more. |
Fr Stefan Pavlenko elected President of HTS Alumni Association - 02/16/2016
The Bachelor of Theology is now officially a four-year program - 02/01/2016
HTOS has received approval from New York State Department of Education to change our Bachelor of Theology from a 5-year bachelor program to a 4-year bachelor program. The revised program is scheduled to begin with the Fall 2016 semester. For a full description, see our Bachelor of Theology page.
The four-year Bachelor of Theology features all of the same subjects as the five-year program. Some courses have been condensed from four semesters to two semesters. HTOS plans to offer advanced courses in those subjects in the near future, thereby distinguishing between a basic survey or overview of a subject, and deeper studies of key aspects or periods of a subject that especially pertain to pastoral preparation and theological education in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.
January 7: Beginning of Winter Vacation - 01/06/2016
After Christmas Liturgy on January 7, 2016, winter break will begin at Holy Trinity Seminary |
January 25: Start of Spring Semester - 01/06/2016
On January 25, the spring semester of Holy Trinity Seminary will begin. |
December 21: HTS Exams begin - 12/16/2015
On December 21, 2015, the end of semester exams will begin at Holy Trinity Seminary. |
December 23: St Herman Youth Conference to Visit HTS - 12/16/2015
On December 23, 2015, the St. Herman Youth Conference will visit Holy Trinity Seminary. Youth will have the opportunity to hear a lecture, visit the museum, and speak with seminarians. |
Certificate of Theological Studies application deadline extended to Dec. 14 with online application - 12/03/2015
For applicants who desire to enter into the Certificate of Theological Studies program for Spring 2016, the application deadline has been extended to December 14, on the condition that the applicant use the Seminary's online application form. |
Online application forms now available! - 12/02/2015
HTOS now has separate online application forms for each program. Start an application, come back to it if you like, and pay your admission fee at the end. This simplifies the application process. In addition, the application form has been revised and customized for each program. All forms are available and downloadable directly from the application form.
See http://hts.edu/admissions.html |
Upcoming Lecture: Material, The Soul, Relics, and the transfer of the remains of Bp. Konstantin - 11/16/2015
On Wednesday, November 18 at 5:00pm Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary will present a lecture by our abbot and rector, Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) titled "Material, The Soul, Relics, and the Transfer of the Remains of Bishop Konstantin From Texas to Jordanville."
Attendance is required for seminarians. The lecture will be in English.
This lecture is open to the public. |
October 1: Students and faculty to visit Museum of Russian Icons - 09/24/2015
On October 1, 2015, students will have the opportunity to travel to Clinton, Massachusetts to visit the Museum of Russian Icons. More information about the museum can be found here: http://museumofrussianicons.org/en/ |
Upcoming Lecture: Bishop John (Abdalah) on "Pastoral Care in a Complex Time" - 09/17/2015
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is pleased to welcome His Grace, Bishop John (Abdalah) of Worcester and the Northeast, Antiochian Archdiocese, who will present a lecture titled “Pastoral Care in a Complex Time.” Bishop John (Abdalah) holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in Pastoral Care from Pittsburgh Theological School, a Master of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Seminary, a Master’s equivalency certificate in Pastoral Counseling from Pittsburgh Pastoral Institute, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts. Throughout Seminary and following his studies, he also studied Arabic. Bishop John is a clinical member of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. He taught Pastoral Counseling in the graduate program at the St. John of Damascus Institute at the Balamand in Lebanon. For 33 years, he served as a priest of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America; he has been Dean of St. George Cathedral in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the past 16 of those years. Before that, he served 16 years in New Kensington, and one year in Little Falls. |
Full program announced for St. Tikhon's Symposium - 09/14/2015
October 10: Free Lecture in English on Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow (1865 - 1925) - 09/08/2015
The keynote address delivered by Dr. Scott Kenworthy will be at 10 a.m on Saturday, October 10, 2015.
This lecture will be in English and FREE TO THE PUBLIC. All are invited.
Following the lecture, the new Foundation of Russian History Museum will be open and tours of Holy Trinity Monastery Cathedral will be conducted.
This lecture is part of the St. Tikhon’s symposium hosted at Holy Trinity Monastery from October 9 -10. For more information about the symposium or the lecture please email events@hts.edu.
About the speaker: Dr. Scott Kenworthy is an associate professor at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), His research interests focus on the history and thought of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, particularly in modern Russia. His first book was The Heart of Russia: Trinity-Sergius, Monasticism and Society after 1825 (Oxford University Press, 2010), which won the 2010 Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer Prize of the American Society of Church History. Dr. Kenworthy was a Senior Fulbright Scholar in Romania; he has also had fellowships with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Kennan Institute (Woodrow Wilson Center), the International Research and Exchanges Board, and the Social Science Research Council. |
New Shuttle Service to Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary from Synod and Novo-Diveevo Convent - 08/25/2015
New Holy Trinity Seminary Press "Four Gospels" by Archbishop Averky now available - 08/13/2015
Classes Begin September 14, 2015 - 08/10/2015
On Monday, September 14, 2015, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary will begin the 2015 - 2016 school year with a Moleben and short meeting with the Rector following the morning Liturgy. |
Video: Introducing the New Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Press - 06/18/2015
Registration open until June 30 for Summer School of Liturgical Music - 06/14/2015
Registration is still OPEN until June 30 for the Summer School of Liturgical Music at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary. Instructions are given in English and in Russian. The full course of study consists of three summer sessions, at the end of which graduates are certified as Church Choir Directors and/or Readers. For more information visit http://sslm.hts.edu/ |
May 24: Graduation ceremonies with Metropolitan Jonah as keynote speaker - 05/04/2015
The 67th Commencement at Holy Trinity Seminary will be on Sunday May 2014. Metropolitan Jonah will be leading the Hierarchical Vigil on May 23 and the Hierarchical Liturgy on May 24. The Commencement Molebon will begin at 2 pm at the Holy Trinity Monastery Cathedral. |
Sign up: Summer Youth Program now receiving applicants - 05/03/2015
New Application Deadline Extended to August 1 - 05/02/2015
On account of the recent approval by ICE-SEVIS to allow international students to apply for admission to the Certificate in Pastoral Studies program at HTOS, the deadline has been extended for all applicants including those applying for admission to the Bachelor of Theology program to August 1, 2015 |
Certificate in Pastoral Studies is approved for international applicants - 04/27/2015
Holy Trinity Seminary's new Certificate in Pastoral Studies, a two-year on-campus-only program consisting of much of the core theological courses of the Bachelor of Theology, has been approved by SEVIS for international students. Applicants who are accepted will receive an I-20 form with which they can apply at the American Embassy in their respective countries to receive an F-1 student visa. The deadline for new applicants has been extended to June 1. |
Visit and lecture by Nikolai I. Sikorsky, son of Igor Sikorsky. - 04/19/2015
A rare visit and opportunity to meet and become acquainted with Nikolai Igorevich Sikorsky, whose father developed the first working helecopter and founded the famous company in Stratford, CT. Igor Sikorsky helped to found St. Nicholas parish in Stratford. Holy Trinity Monastery's founder Fr. Panteleimon was the first rector of St. Nicholas parish. A lecture at 2pm will be open to the public. |
"Like" our Facebook Page! - 04/03/2015
HTOS Offers Four Partial Scholarships to Incoming Students - 04/03/2015
For the first time ever, four incoming students will be awarded the Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Scholarship at $1500 each, which amounts to half of the $3000 charge for annual tution. For more details, contact the Office of Admissions at (315) 858-0945 or contact Fr. Ephraim Willmarth. |
New document entitled "On the Participation of the Faithful in the Eucharist" approved by Russian Orthodox Church - 02/19/2015
First Annual Alumni Gathering at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary - 12/30/2014
On February 10, 11, 12 the Seminary Patronal Feast of the Three Hierarchs, will hold the first annual alumni gathering at Holy Trinity Seminary. If you would like to take part in this event, please let us know of your intention to come by email events@hts.edu, NO LATER THAN JANUARY 30, 2015.
Archimandrite Luke Rector |
11/18: Lecture on the Old Believers for Russian Church History Students and General Public - 11/16/2014
Mr. John Hudanish will deliver a lecture on Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 5pm in the Seminary Hall to the students of Russian Church History. Mr. Hudanish worked closely with several groups of Old Believers in the Wilamette Valley in Oregon for 30 years. He will present both his research and personal insights into the recent history of the Old Believer groups. This lecture will be in English and is open to the public. |
November 10: Fr. Peter Heers To Give Lecture at HTOS - 11/08/2014
On November 10, 2014, at 5 pm, Fr. Peter Heers will be giving a lecture on "Secularism and Family Life" in the Seminary Hall. All are invited to attend. |
Sign Up to Receive Electronic Newsletters About The Seminary! - 11/05/2014
Subscribe to receive electronic newsletters about the seminary. |
Connect to New Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Linkedin Page! - 09/25/2014
October 25: Holy Trinity Monastery Open House - 09/22/2014
HTOS to Host Conference on St Sergius of Radonezh on October 10-11, 2014 - 09/03/2014
Interview with Seminary Professor Dmitri Anashkin - 08/29/2014
Interview with Rector Archimandrite Luke about new, existing programs and the use of the English language at HTOS - 06/09/2014
New Certificate in Pastoral Studies Program Approved - 05/28/2014
The Foundation of Russian History Museum Now Open - 05/25/2014
The Foundation of Russian History Museum to Open May 25 - 05/19/2014
The Foundation of Russian History Museum at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary will be officially opening to the public on May 25, 2014. Normal museum hours will be Wednesday through Friday 2-5 pm and Saturday and Sunday 1-4 pm and by advance appointment. |
Paper Proposal Deadline Extended for Seminary Student Conference on St. Sergius of Radonezh - 05/15/2014
Application Deadline Extended for 2014-2015 Academic year - 05/07/2014
By decision of the Rector, Archimandrite Luke, the application deadline for Holy Trinity Seminary has been extended to June 1 for international students and to August 1 for students with residency in the United States. |
Lecture by Dr. Christopher Veniamin "On Becoming Theologians" - 04/25/2014
Changes to Bachelor of Theology Fall Curriculum - 04/08/2014
Now accepting applications for the Holy Trinity Monastery Summer Youth Program - 04/06/2014
The 2014 Holy Trinity Monastery Summer Youth Program gives the opportunity for young men ages 15-18 to become acquainted with life in Holy Trinity Monastery. The program is limited to twelve participants. Applications are received on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, visit http://jordanville.org/summer.html
Diocese of Montreal and Canada will have a Lenten retreat at Holy Trinity Monastery - 03/11/2014
From March 24 to 26, 2014, the Diocese of Montreal and Canada will have a Lenten retreat in Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville. |
Eastern American Diocesean Retreat at Holy Trinity Monastery - 03/11/2014
With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, the Northern Retreat of the Eastern American Diocese will be held at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY this March 12-14.
This conference will be bilingual, and the HTOS seminarians will participate. Wednesday the 12th is a travel day. The conference officially begins on Thursday morning, and will end on Friday after liturgy.
For the schedule of events, click here. |
New Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Facebook Page - 03/11/2014
Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary to Host PaTRAM Master Class - 02/19/2014
From February 23 -27, Holy Trinity Monastery will host the Patriarch Tikhon Master Class. For the culmination of the class, Metropolitan Hilarion will serve a Hierarchal Vigil and Liturgy. Many Seminary students will attend this class.
To learn more about the PaTRAM Institute visit http://patraminstitute.org/ |
Holy Trinity Seminary to Host Spring OISM Meeting - 02/19/2014
From February 21 - 23, Holy Trinity Seminary will host the spring 2014 meeting of the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement, featuring keynote speaker Rev. Kevin Kalish, Ph.D. on “The Language of the King James Bible.” |
Holy Trinity Seminary Choir Makes New Recording - 01/10/2014
During the first week of Final Exams, the Seminary Choir, led by Choirmaster Nicholas Kotar, made a recording of selections from Holy Trinity Monastery's repertoire of hymns from the entire liturgical year. Having prepared for a long time in advance with multiple rehearsals, the choir sacrificed up to five hours per day of their time for exam preparation and rest for four days. The sound engineer is a talanted choir director and member of the ROCOR family himself, Ilya Dubestein. A release date is not available yet, but it is hoped to come out in 2014. |
St. Tikhon's Orthodox University of the Humanities Launches New Masters Program - 01/10/2014
In 2014, St. Tikhon's Orthodox University of the Humanities in Moscow plans to open a new interdisciplinary master's program titled "Religious aspects of Russian culture of the XIX - early XX centuries." The program is primarily designed for those students who specialize in the field of Russian History and the history of Russian literature, philosophy and culture. The details can be found here : http://pstgu.ru/faculties/theological/entrants/magistracy/ |
HTOS Seminarians at St. Herman's Conference - 12/22/2013
Four seminarains from HTOS traveled to Glen Cove, NY for the Eastern American Diocese's annual St. Herman's Conference, which began Sunday, Dec. 22 and will finish Thursday, Dec. 26. Artem Siss, Danill Semenov, Stefan Stoyanov, and Nicholas Williams took part. |
Exam Sessions Underway - 12/16/2013
The fall 2013 exam session began on Monday, December 16, and will continue until Saturday, December 28.
Bachelor of Theology and Certificate of Theological Studies students take exams together in the Seminary Hall. |
HTOS Launches New Website! - 11/08/2013
Announcements are to highlight upcoming events or information items which are not news. |